Internet Marketing Article

internet marketing article

Internet Marketing Article:

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Internet Marketing Articles
By Kenneth Doyle

'Loss-Leaders'... An OFFline sales tactic that works ONline

Loss-leaders is a sales tatic consistently used by offline retailers to attract customers. They use this tatic because it works. Find out how to use this sales strategy online.

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101 Billion emails sent every year... 'and you want yours READ?'

There's now a revolution going on with email. It now TALKS.

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Can I get off this ROLLERCOASTER now, PLEASE?

The 'Rollercoaster' series of articles are all about techniques for working net-smarter... doing more with less.

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CLICK... Gone? 'EXIT marketing strategies SELL.'

Any Marketing campaign - ONline or OFFline - uses a MIX of strategies. Are you selling to people AFTER they've left your site?

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EXCELLENCE in Customer Service creates PROFIT!

There are some fundamentals in marketing anything. Excellence in customer service standards is critical for your online success. EXCELLENT Customer Service ranks high.

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Fridge Magnet Marketing... using stickiness systems.

Techniques and technologies that make your site sticky.

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ONE MILLION hits within 3 months... without using Search Engines.

TRAFFIC Generation.... It's one thing to have a web site. It's quite another thing to get (qualified) traffic to it.

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There Is A Purpose To This Right?

Focus on your goal.. and only listen to people who are doing better than you are on the net.

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Walk Before You Run ... Model SUCCESS.

The stats for failure of OFFline businesses roughly equate with the stats of ONline business failures. However, there are ways of avoiding becoming another statistic. One POWERFUL way is to model the success of others.
Internet Marketing Article.

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Three Core Reasons Why Web Site Content Increases Your Traffic.

The Internet is primarily an information delivery medium. It is NOT a "sell" medium (even though that obviously happens). To sell effectively on the Internet it's simply a matter of working with the medium's marketing "logic", information and keyword-rich content.
Internet Marketing Article.

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12 Ways To Increase The Value Of Your Web Site Content.

You need to have a way with words in order to increase the traffic to your web site. However, sometimes, the most intelligent people in the world can have difficulty effectively communicating their ideas to others in writing.
This need not be so, if you follow these steps...
Internet Marketing Article.

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Internet Marketing Article

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