... Seminars ...
Using The Internet * To Promote Your Business Locally! *
"It's The Search For Quality Information That Drives The Internet..."
When you fully UNDERSTAND this about the Internet you'll also understand how to use its systems to... Promote Your Business LOCALLY... [OR... across the globe.]
It's A Very Powerful Tool ...
Which Can Be Used To...
- Gather sales leads
- Screen your prospects
*So, you only spend time with hot prospects...
- Gather data
*So, you better serve your existing clients/ customers...
- Analyse campaign results
*So, you KNOW what's working and what isn't...
- Communicate directly with prospects
*So, you convert prospects into customers quicker... At 1/10 of the cost, and in 1/10 of the time
- Localize your promotional messages
*So, you're communicating with those people most likely to buy from you...
- Drive foot traffic into your business
*So you get more sales when you need them...
- A U T O M A T E all of this
*For much less than any other promotional medium...
Who'll Benefit From Attending ...
- Any business WITH an Internet presence
that wants to learn how to use the Internet to promote itself LOCALLY ... before wasting any more money!
- Any business WITHOUT an Internet presence
that wants to learn how use the Internet to promote itself LOCALLY ... before money is wasted!
- Any business that wants to reduce its promotional costs...
and increase its sales - Any business person who wants to better understand how to market
their [bricks and mortar] business using the Internet
What You'll Learn ...
- How to use the Internet to promote ANY business across the street...
or across the globe.
- Techniques that are used with great success on the Internet right now...
and how to use these techniques for the promotion of your own business
- A brand new model of marketing which has evolved on the net...
and how to use it to promote your own business.
- How to do all this for a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods... and achieve powerful, verifable results
Where & When Is It ...
Business SA
136 Greenhill Road UNLEY. S.A.
- WHEN - Monday, June 16th [6.30pm - 9.30pm]
Phone Kenneth Doyle on 0416 351 604 for more informationFind Out About The Presenter
Register Today... Early Bird Special - only $75.00[Includes seminar notes and CD]
Seats are limited and will sell out fast. Reserve your seat ASAP!
Complete the form [right]. We'll email you information on the seminar and how you can register ... plus download instructions for the [above] eReport.
Note: Only ONE registration per unique email address!
* Special DISCOUNTS for groups! *
Trouble Registering? ... then EMAIL Us!
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