Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Programs. The Top Earners
These are the Top earning affiliate programs for respected affiliate program expert Allan Gardyne from Associate Programs.
ALL of these programs are top earners run by web professionals.
Ken Evoy
This is no surprise that Allan has rated Sitesell as his best selling affiliate program. Dr Evoy and his team are brilliant, and their customer service is just superb.
Sitesell's suite of products are all perfect fits for anyone doing, or wanting to do business on the web.
Ken Evoy believes in OVER-delivering.
AND... he does, continuously... with everything he does.
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Marlon Sanders

Marlon is the mini-site master.
He has a raft of products and neat software packages that can used by virtually anybody promoting on the web.
Marlon may be an up-there-in-ya-face marketer, but his products work and his customer service is excellent.
These are some of his products.
AND.. If you want to get quality marketing tips subscribe to his "marketing tips" ezine below.
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Mark Joyner

Mark Joyner's ROIbot is again a mix of high quality, innovate 24/7 automation web tools... and information products.
It's slick, fast, and efficient. A truly professional system.
One of ROIbot's neat systems is a product named Promote-ivator which you load onto your desktop and then access daily advice on web promotion.
Promote-ivator is also linked to a forum where some of the big "names" hang out.

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Corey Rudl
Corey Rudl is a highly successful net marketing pioneer.
His program has a raft of high quality information and software products to promote... Mailloop, AssocTRAK, and the #1 best-selling Internet Marketing course, "The Insider
Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet."
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Neil Shearing
Neil Shearing has got a number of valuable information products, and a stunning piece of online software he's named Internet Success Spider.
What Internet Success Spider does is track down the super affiliates for you. Powerful stuff.
His customer service is A1, and he's a man of great integrity.
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Declan Dunn
Declan Dunn's Activ marketplace has a number of fine products.
"Right on the Money". Buy at a Discount. Sell at a Profit. Guaranteed.
If you want to finally make money from your Web Site, then you deserve the latest book and training system from ADNet International's executive team of Patrick Anderson and Michael Henderson. This book took 4 years to gather and hone the leading techniques that have generated millions of hits, and dollars, for clients worldwide. Instead of theory, Patrick and Michael tell you how to do it, what to do, and introduce you to experts who apply their secrets to Patrick and Michael's new strategy. Highly Recommended!Click here to discover how to get your Internet store generating traffic and sales quickly, with little or no start up cost. Get "Right On the Money", Right Now!
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Clickbank is a veritable storehouse of digital products for resale.
It cost ONLY $50.00 to set up your own affiliate program... and there are approximately 10,000 different digital products to sell.
ClickBank is the online marketing and billing solution used by thousands of web businesses that deliver unique products and services over the Internet itself (via web pages, files, or email).
You receive a portion of every sale, every sales commission, and every signup bonus your recruits make for one full year after the day they sign up.
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Residual Payment Programs
Residual Programs are those which have a monthly usage or membership fee. You get paid a percentage of that monthly fee.
Some of the programs - such as Mark Joyner's - ROIbot [above] incorporate this feature. All of these [below] are high performing residual programs.
Everybody who's working seriously on the web NEEDS a professional autoresponder system.
PAR is simply the best multimedia autoresponder available... and it has a three tier residual payment program.
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Terry Dean's Netbreakthroughs is a membership site.
It's a source of a wide variety of information about doing business on the web. An excellent feature of Netbreakthroughs is the breakdown of advertising campaigns that Terry does. You get to understand which ezines are the best to promote yourself in.
Forget the HYPE…Internet marketing isn't as easy as some people claim it to be. If you have been online for any time at all, you already know this.
You can't just put up a $10 web site and wait for millions of people to show up and buy from you. Most Internet marketing courses tell you what to do, but they never reveal to you how to do it profitably without wasting thousands of dollars in unnecessary and expensive experimentation.
You don't need Internet marketing theories…You need concrete steps and specific directions to take to build and market your business for maximum profits with minimum time and money. Click here now for more info...
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This is a POWERFUL, dedicated online tracking system, which will tell you everything you ever needed to know about your web promotions.
It instantly finds...
* Which ad is generating the most
~sales~ (not just unique visitors)
* Where to keep spending advertising
dollars to GUARANTEE a great ROI.
* How to keep profiting from your
existing website traffic all the time.
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Affiliate Showcase

Now, this is a VERY clever, NEW... residual payment system site.
Jim Daniels from
Make A Living Online
is one of the main forces behind this innovative site, and as Jim's an experienced, successful netpreneur this site has a solid future.
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eBookWholesaler is a [product] membership site, namely ebooks.
For your monthly membership fee you get access to new, previously unpublished ebooks on a variety of topics every month which you can resell for $17.00 +
AND... $9.99 [per month] for each new member your refer PLUS residual income from a number of residual income programs included in every EBW book.
The EBW books are usually high quality on a variety of different topics. So, you get learning, sales and a residual income from different sources!
This is a lucrative mix.
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