Taming the eBeastie
- Audio Tips -
Taming the eBeastie is a series of 12 - mission critical - reports on the business of doing business on the Internet... Each quick-read report comes with its own AUDIO tutorial, as well as an 'info' screensaver to aid learning. The screensavers for each of the topic-specific reports are designed to assist the reader with integration of the key information and necessary skills-set related to the knowledge needed for marketing on the Internet. These TEB reports will also be supported by a Qchannel. The members-only Qchannel will be used to extend and deepen the subscribers' knowledge of the content contained in each of the
Taming the eBeastie
reports. Think of these reports as multimedia brain food with an in-built mentor... Speed Learning, Internet Style. And... the BEST part of all this is that these reports are FREE. These reports will be released one at a time, and... We'll start "rolling out" the Taming the eBeastie reports soon. You can get yours [as soon as they're released] simply by completing the subscribe form below. The release of all these 12 reports will ONLY be announced via this list.
Your email address will ONLY be used to communicate about these TEB reports!
Listen To What's Inside!
All of the TEB E-Reports come with 'Audio Comment' tips. Click on any of the links below to hear a sample audio played online (no download is required).
