Joint Ventures
With The e*Analyst Ezine...
We're always interested in Joint-Ventures between ourselves and other quality ezines, or writers of quality articles on Internet Marketing related topics.
Our primary concern is always our readership. So, if you believe that you have some valuable Joint-Venture please communicate with us, as below.
Kenneth Doyle - Editor
Add Swaps
As a quality resource on netBIZ related topics it's our Editorial policy at The e*Analyst Ezine to always "remain on topic." Therefore, we are very selective about the Add swaps we participate in.
If you wish to propose an Add swap please read our Add swap terms by clicking on the following link...
Add Swap Terms
Article Exchange
Rather than just placing other writers *on-topic* articles in The e*Analyst Ezine we're more interested in exchanging quality articles with netBIZ theme related ezines, because this benefits our readership.
However, there are always exceptions to 'rules.'
If you wish to participate in an Article Exchange please read our terms by clicking on the following link...
Article Swap Terms
Joint Ventures
By nature we just love to "trade horses" at the e*Analyst, so we're always open to innovative Joint Venture ideas. With any such proposal we'll always ask ourselves the question "Will the e*Analyst Ezine readership benefit from this proposed Joint Venture?"
If you have a joint venture proposal that is not an article swap nor an add swap then email the Editor at
